Favorite Podcasts

Besides books on tape, I've become addicted to a few podcasts.  As with Audio books, entertainment value is the number 1 criteria, but I also listen to a few that are information based.  My favorites combine the two.  And yes, there's a lot of Public Radio.  I'm THAT kind of geek.  Here's a list of what you will usually find on the ipod.

1. Wait Wait Don't Tell Me

The "NPR News Quiz".  Hilarious.

2. Wire Tap with Jonathan Goldstein

From CBC radio.  You may know Goldstein from This American Life, on which is has been an occasional contributor.  Good stories and cast of characters

3. The Onion Radio News

Fake headlines from the funniest site on the internet

4. Radio Lab

From WNYC.  Science and other phenomena explored and sometimes explained in an entertaining fashion.  Radio Lab expertly combines the two things I like in a podcast!

5. The Moth

The Moth "features true stories told live without notes".  People telling tales from their lives to a group of strangers.  Sometimes they are fantastic and almost always compelling.

6. Planet Money

From NPR.  Economics explained (mostly)

7. This American Life

From PRI.  An in depth look at a variety of topics, often funny or touching and always poignant.

8. The New Yorker Fiction

The best writing read to you by great performers.  What's not to like?